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To guide the new normal - usher in the new hydrogen energy era development


  Sustainable energy supply is indispensable for the development of human society. Fossil fuels are an important part of the existing energy structure and one of the main sources of carbon emissions. Today, the climate issue has become a significant topic of global concern, and the energy industry is also restructuring and facing upgrading the current technologies.

  New normalization changes have taken place in the energy sector

  The COVID-19 has made working at home a norm, reducing the cost of travel for commuters and the consumption of fossil fuels in the transportation industry.

  In fact, the reduction of fossil energy usage has become the new normal for the entire energy industry. The world is committed to the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and has begun to adopt a wide range of countermeasures. For instance, the EU aims to reduce carbon emissions by 45% in 2030 and achieve net zero emissions in 2050; the US plans to achieve zero carbon emissions of the power industry in 2035 and net zero emissions in 2050; China strives to peak its carbon dioxide emissions in 2030 and achieves carbon neutral in 2060. By using sustainable and low pollution green energy to replace fossil energy has become a vital exploratory direction in the field of energy application.

  Green energy turns into hydrogen to create a clean future

  Wind energy, solar energy and other renewable energy in nature recycling, can effectively cope with problems in environmental protection, energy shortages and so on. China has a vast territory with abundant and widely distributed solar and wind energy resources, which can meet the needs of social production and daily life to a certain extent.

  Renewable energy such as solar and wind power is intermittent and unstable, which is largely influenced by the natural environment. Severe or abnormal weather conditions greatly affect the final energy conversion. In this case, the conversion of these renewable energy sources into hydrogen to produce stable and sustainable energy is required.

  With the help of Nafion™ proton exchange membranes, we can use surplus electricity generated from renewable energy sources to produce hydrogen and oxygen in the water electrolysis process. Hydrogen is a near-perfect fuel which can produce high-quality heat by burning, and the only emission is clean water vapor. Therefore, hydrogen energy is considered as one of the energy sources with great application prospects.

  Nafion™ is capable of producing hydrogen in harsh environments, or working under a wide temperature range, and delivering the required clean fuel with extreme strength and durability.